81.   There are monsoon rains in August, and the tourist season gets under way in September.

82.   There have never been enough international flights into the country, especially during the peak tourist season from October to March, but now there will be even fewer.

83.   Then France said it would cut the number of flights by U.S. airlines to France during the tourist season.

84.   This all adds up to a less crowded tourist season.

85.   This is an especially smart venture during summer tourist season, when the Spanish Steps are mobbed and many restaurant prices are inflated.

86.   This is the tourist season.

87.   To prevent further damage to a major rock-art site there, a ranger watches full-time during the peak tourist season.

88.   Together with a revival in visitors from elsewhere in the United States, New York City appears to be experiencing its best tourist season in years.

89.   Tourist season is over here, and so is the South American summer.

90.   Unfortunately, tourist season is getting longer, meaning more lost people wearing clothing that matches some season in Cleveland or Miami.

n. + season >>共 749
holiday 19.05%
summer 5.48%
rookie 3.78%
baseball 3.61%
football 3.27%
exhibition 3.23%
fall 3.02%
hurricane 2.25%
peak 2.14%
tourist 2.13%
tourist + n. >>共 533
attraction 12.53%
destination 7.41%
visa 6.19%
site 4.46%
industry 4.25%
season 3.78%
resort 3.55%
area 3.03%
office 2.56%
trade 2.29%
每页显示:    共 194