81.   The famous here are also not shy about some touchy subjects.

82.   The ordination of women is a touchy subject among American Catholics, where there is vocal support for the idea as well as staunch opposition.

83.   The process has avoided annual votes on what can be a politically touchy subject.

84.   The two leaders also discussed their arms control agenda but skirted over the touchy subject of NATO expansion, which Yeltsin opposes.

85.   There have been recent signs of improvement in the strained ties between the government and the Vatican, but religion remains a touchy subject here.

86.   Zedillo also addressed the touchy subject of foreign observers in the state.

87.   But airstrikes are a touchy subject for the French and British, who have troops on the ground and who fear air attacks could lead to hostage-taking.

88.   But China has become a touchy subject for both Clinton and Gore with reports that the Chinese sought to buy influence over US foreign policy with campaign contributions.

89.   But in a country where racism is a most touchy subject, the smear is unlikely to disappear overnight.

90.   But the touchy subject of EU sanctions against Israel to force implementation of US and UN demands for a pullout meanwhile remained on a back burner.

a. + subject >>共 938
sensitive 3.63%
same 2.70%
touchy 2.70%
favorite 2.53%
taboo 2.30%
human 1.86%
controversial 1.83%
new 1.72%
different 1.54%
particular 1.45%
touchy + n. >>共 67
issue 31.47%
subject 24.80%
one 4.53%
situation 4.53%
topic 4.27%
question 3.73%
matter 2.13%
problem 1.87%
time 1.87%
area 1.33%
每页显示:    共 92