81.   The Republican appointee and former state legislator once lobbied for tobacco farmers.

82.   The tobacco farmers here have long felt scorned by outsiders.

83.   The tobacco industry has said the bill could bankrupt them and tobacco farmers.

84.   The tobacco farmer lunged forward, his face red with anger at the latest provocation from Washington.

85.   The tobacco tribe swung into action, arguing that stringent targets for smoking cessation amounted to a limit on freedom of choice and would hurt tobacco farmers and retailers.

86.   The two-story store still stocks enough farm equipment and overalls to take care of any tobacco farmer who treads in.

87.   The U.S. Department of Agriculture has until midnight to announce how much flue-cured tobacco farmers can grow next year.

88.   They would provide transition help for tobacco farmers, increase the federal excise tax on cigarettes, and cap attorney fees, among other objectives.

89.   This time last year, tobacco country was awash with doomsayers, and John Collett, a tobacco farmer for three decades, felt little but gloom.

90.   Tobacco farmers expected to exceed their allotments and store some of their harvest for next year.

n. + farmer >>共 292
tobacco 8.50%
peasant 7.34%
coca 4.73%
subsistence 4.43%
rice 3.70%
hog 3.52%
pig 3.40%
wheat 3.16%
cattle 3.16%
cotton 2.91%
tobacco + n. >>共 528
company 24.55%
industry 15.46%
product 3.47%
stock 2.77%
advertising 2.57%
settlement 2.34%
legislation 1.78%
farmer 1.67%
tax 1.53%
executive 1.47%
每页显示:    共 139