81.   If you think this means being nice to your neighbors, pledging money to public television, and voting Democratic, you are wrong.

82.   In Nevada, they thought they were being attacked when they saw Indians on horseback heading at them and heard what they thought were war whoops.

83.   In one attack, six soldiers were killed at close range by Palestinians they apparently thought were workers returning to a nearby village.

84.   Instead, King said he reached within for what he thought were the right words to end the rioting.

85.   Like Brecht populating his plays with what he thought were American gangsters, Leone populated his films with skewed American archetypes.

86.   Many people think being a pharmacist is boring, that I just count pills all day.

87.   Mom always thought I was going to be a preacher despite what I thought were some rather obvious hints to the contrary as I was growing up.

88.   Now what the hell were they thinking when they traded Jeff Norton?

89.   She saw what she thought were pieces of a plane engine on the sidewalk and police officers placing police tape around it.

90.   She said she used the term in irony to highlight what she thought were improbabilities in the confession of the suspect accused of shooting the businessman.

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