81.   Those who test the limits do so not only with their choice of subject matter, but with plots that avoid the usual sugar-coated endings.

82.   Throughout her career, she has pushed the technical boundaries of holography while testing the limits of acceptable subject matter.

83.   Thus far, however, no one has used the state courts to test the limits of the telephoto lens or aggressive tabloid reporter.

84.   This year, the opposition parties will surely test the limits of their newfound power.

85.   Twenty years ago, open-wheel racing and NASCAR Winston Cup cars still were testing the limits of technology to see how fast the drivers could go.

86.   Yeltsin and his government will test the limit if they fail to put the Russian tax system in order.

87.   You allowed me to finally test my limits.

88.   A human rights activist charged with falsely alleging police torture of illegal immigrants said Wednesday her case will test the limits of freedom of speech in Malaysia.

89.   Armored trucks in city squares blare tinny, ultranationalist messages and World War II-vintage march music that test the limits of the freedom of speech.

90.   In next-door New Jersey, investment banker Jon Corzine tested the limits of self-financing.

v. + limit >>共 386
have 12.91%
set 9.68%
impose 7.41%
place 4.57%
reach 4.03%
put 3.36%
test 2.69%
push 2.69%
raise 2.30%
include 1.55%
test + n. >>共 1571
water 2.77%
drug 2.34%
system 2.31%
theory 2.05%
sample 1.80%
product 1.63%
limit 1.50%
idea 1.17%
missile 1.07%
device 1.07%
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