81.   It says use of the name Macedonia implies a territorial claim on the Greek area of the same name.

82.   It was difficult to take Chinese overtures seriously because these often alternated with statements reiterating its territorial claims, he said.

83.   Israel has said it had no territorial claims in Lebanon, and that it was ready to withdraw its troops as part of a peace agreement.

84.   Israel has said it has no territorial claims in Lebanon, and that it was ready to withdraw its troops as part of a peace agreement.

85.   It also would end repeated speculation about territorial claims of Serbia on its southern neighbor.

86.   Its name choice caused some diplomatic problems, particularly with Greece, which contends the use of the name Macedonia could imply territorial claims on its northern provinces.

87.   It is squeezed between Serbia, Bulgaria, Albania and Greece, all of which have territorial claims against Macedonia.

88.   Japan has been unsuccessfully demanding that South Korean boats stay out of the disputed waters, arguing that fishing there would undermine its territorial claim to the islands.

89.   Japan has been demanding that South Korean boats stay out of the disputed waters, arguing that doing so would undermine its territorial claim to the islands.

90.   Japan reluctantly signed the treaty, which forced it to relinquish many territorial claims.

a. + claim >>共 999
immediate 5.77%
jobless 4.70%
insurance 3.19%
new 2.78%
false 2.62%
territorial 2.54%
conflicting 2.41%
similar 2.16%
legal 2.08%
initial 1.76%
territorial + n. >>共 260
dispute 29.00%
integrity 7.84%
claim 7.35%
concession 6.95%
gain 4.23%
issue 3.39%
compromise 2.63%
ambition 2.23%
right 1.83%
division 1.69%
每页显示:    共 164