81.   Malaysia plans to tighten a pornography law by imposing mandatory jail terms and banishing offenders to remote places.

82.   Most of the freed prisoners were convicted for petty crimes and had already served part of their jail terms.

83.   Nine people have been given jail terms for causing unrest in a land dispute with the army, a court official said Saturday.

84.   Myo Myint Nyein was serving two concurrent seven-year jail terms, the first for publishing and distributing a satirical poem which was deemed to be anti-government propaganda.

85.   Newspaper officials found responsible could also face jail terms of three to six months.

86.   Nine others who helped make the homemade time bomb using explosives and a pager received jail terms of up to nine years, the spokesman said.

87.   On Thursday, four British hooligans received jail terms, and several more were to face a judge late Friday.

88.   On Thursday, four British hooligans received jail terms.

89.   Operating in Richmond, Va. and Rochester, N.Y., it mandates stiff jail terms for any felon caught with a firearm.

90.   Private-sector employees who accept bribes, for example from a contractor, face jail terms of up to three years.

n. + jail >>共 93
term 40.56%
city 14.39%
security 5.98%
high-security 2.62%
police 2.43%
town 1.68%
year 1.50%
immigration 1.31%
face 1.31%
life 1.31%
term + n. >>共 892
limit 24.28%
prison 10.39%
jail 5.55%
end 1.74%
contract 1.64%
life 1.13%
loan 0.87%
policy 0.69%
level 0.67%
investment 0.64%
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