81.   Ford also was satisfied with the tentative agreement.

82.   Gauging analysts assessments and market reaction to the tentative agreement.

83.   General Electric Corp. and its labor unions reached the tentative agreement on new contracts three hours before the old ones were due to expire.

84.   Georgia and Alabama reached a tentative agreement last week on the other front in the water war, the Alabama-Coosa-Tallapoosa river basin, or ACT.

85.   Garabedian said he would seek an emergency court order on Monday to take a deposition of Law, which was postponed when the tentative agreement was reached.

86.   General Motors Corp. and the International Union of Electrical Workers reached a tentative agreement that averts a threatened strike at two Kettering, Ohio, suspension-systems plants.

87.   GM was able to reach a tentative agreement Tuesday evening, averting a strike at a taillight factory in Anderson, Ind.

88.   He had to give a little, but President Bush won tentative agreement from Congress for the bulk of his tax cut.

89.   He brokered a cease-fire and tentative political agreement with Maskhadov, the chief-of-staff of the Chechen forces.

90.   He said talks continued around the clock until a tentative agreement was reached Sunday morning.

a. + agreement >>共 609
new 6.29%
final 4.68%
tentative 3.61%
international 3.27%
bilateral 2.98%
licensing 2.61%
similar 2.56%
such 1.91%
preliminary 1.54%
formal 1.52%
tentative + n. >>共 366
agreement 24.90%
step 6.88%
plan 5.62%
deal 5.37%
contract 4.57%
approval 3.46%
settlement 2.96%
accord 2.66%
sign 2.36%
peace 1.96%
每页显示:    共 493