81.   Echoing recommendations to Prime Minister Ryutaro Hashimoto by the U.S. Treasury, Camdessus urged the Japanese to use tax measures to stimulate domestic demand-led growth.

82.   Earlier Wednesday the party leaders had declared that they would work together to bring about a vote in the Chamber of general tax measures.

83.   Federal benefits, such as Social Security and some tax measures, remain off limits.

84.   He added that even drastic tax measures to encourage Japanese to invest will have little effect amid the current economic gloom.

85.   Hours earlier, the Duma had rejected the sales tax and a land tax measure, casting doubt on whether the government could win passage of its economic program.

86.   However, questions have already been raised about the proposed new tax measures and their ability to increase revenue.

87.   If the government decides to abolish the BoI, the Customs and Revenue departments can be tasked with promoting industries with tax measures.

88.   It will also implement tax reform measures to broaden the tax base, Habito said.

89.   Joining a series of energy tax measures and a call for drilling in an Arctic refuge, the latest energy bill to emerge from committee focuses on conservation.

90.   Many Republicans feel the three tax cuts Hastert described were among the most popular elements of the vetoed tax measure.

n. + measure >>共 887
security 25.25%
austerity 6.96%
safety 5.48%
government 3.14%
ballot 2.99%
reform 2.52%
stimulus 1.96%
conservation 1.87%
tax 1.80%
market 1.64%
tax + n. >>共 344
cut 17.59%
break 7.21%
increase 4.27%
credit 3.87%
revenue 3.87%
bill 2.85%
rate 2.82%
law 2.19%
system 1.98%
code 1.93%
measure 0.45%
每页显示:    共 134