81.   He said any further plans to take land would first be discussed with Palestinians at the negotiating table.

82.   He said villagers had tried three times to take the land back in recent weeks.

83.   Human Rights in China said farmers in Xin Village were angry over local government plans to take their land and sell it for a business development zone.

84.   In a nationwide television and radio broadcast Thursday night, Mugabe repeated demands that Britain pay compensation to white landowners whose ancestors took land from blacks.

85.   In some cases, it would even allow municipal authorities to take back land already returned to its rightful owners.

86.   It might even allow municipal authorities to take back land already returned to its rightful owners.

87.   Radical black party once considered challenger to ANC but ended up with little support due to unrealistic demands to take land from whites and nationalize private business.

88.   Sison accused the Philippine government of abusing human rights in military campaigns against the rebels and in taking land from people for mining, logging and real estate development.

89.   Since arriving in Zaire, they have been attacking Zairian Tutsis, too, in an effort to take their land.

90.   The Egyptians also were outspoken in criticizing an Israeli plan, since suspended, to take land for new settlements in predominantly Arab East Jerusalem.

v. + land >>共 670
sell 6.04%
buy 5.72%
own 5.16%
use 3.22%
clear 3.05%
take 2.04%
lease 1.87%
acquire 1.84%
seize 1.77%
confiscate 1.75%
take + n. >>共 753
place 12.16%
part 5.04%
action 3.23%
advantage 2.92%
time 2.33%
control 1.68%
effect 1.66%
office 1.51%
step 1.35%
lead 1.11%
land 0.06%
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