81.   And even after the rule takes effect, operators would probably have a year to comply.

82.   And if they happened to get sick, they could afford to spend what was required out of pocket before their catastrophic coverage took effect.

83.   And a tax aimed at self-employed workers, due to take effect this year, is seen by many entrepreneurs as a government attempt to stifle private enterprise.

84.   And last week, Palm Beach Circuit Judge Lucy Chernow Brown lifted a freeze of the ruling that took effect when the state appealed.

85.   And in September, a new Missouri law took effect that closes some vaccination loopholes.

86.   And only with the support of Japan could Europe guarantee, under the complex architecture of the treaty, that the agreement would take effect.

87.   And it certainly is true that stocks often make big, short-term leaps when stock splits are announced, or when the split takes effect.

88.   And many donors may rush big contributions to the groups, hoping to slip them in under the wire before the new law takes effect.

89.   And much remains to be done before it can take effect.

90.   And it eliminated trade barriers, most notably through the North American Free Trade Agreement, which took effect a year ago.

v. + effect >>共 302
take 30.15%
have 30.09%
feel 3.51%
study 1.74%
see 1.36%
show 1.35%
suffer 0.82%
produce 0.72%
examine 0.70%
offset 0.69%
take + n. >>共 753
place 12.16%
part 5.04%
action 3.23%
advantage 2.92%
time 2.33%
control 1.68%
effect 1.66%
office 1.51%
step 1.35%
lead 1.11%
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