81.   The young woman wore neatly trimmed Levi jeans, white sweat shirt and stylish sneakers.

82.   There were black men in business suits, black men in blue jeans and hooded sweat shirts.

83.   There were loose gray jersey pullovers and a puffy herringbone vest, worn over denim work shirts, that called to mind homeboy sweat shirts.

84.   They were dressed not in their customary jeans and baggy sweat shirts, but in skirts and dresses and a teenage portion of dignity.

85.   They show up as the light breaks, fueled on Circle K coffee and bagels, dressed in sweat shirts as the game begins.

86.   They cited tank tops, sweat shirts and open-toed shoes in the workplace.

87.   They wore military fatigues under their Pakistani baggy pants, and expensive fleeces and sweat shirts.

88.   Two small boys in baggy sweat shirts were assigned to act out roles from a textbook on what happens when one child insults another.

89.   We spent a few minutes stringing up our rods and yanking on assorted sweat shirts, socks and waders.

90.   Wearing a sweat shirt and Joe Boxer pants, Tiffany sat with her arms bent at the elbow and her fists clutched to her chest.

n. + shirt >>共 247
flannel 9.36%
sweat 8.69%
dress 8.39%
sport 6.44%
cotton 5.99%
golf 5.99%
denim 4.94%
work 3.45%
long-sleeve 2.40%
batik 2.10%
sweat + n. >>共 54
shirt 36.48%
pant 22.64%
shop 5.97%
sock 4.72%
equity 4.40%
bath 1.89%
stain 1.89%
box 1.26%
band 1.26%
house 1.26%
每页显示:    共 115