81.   One of the soldiers wounded Tuesday was in serious condition, and a surgeon said Wednesday that his leg may have to be amputated.

82.   Surgeons said relations invariably improve as Americans and their hosts work together and learn to trust one another.

83.   Surgeons said they planned to work overtime and at weekends to reduce the backlog.

84.   Surgeons say they expect more and more male patients in coming years.

85.   Surgeons say a transplant from a brain-dead donor will be carried out before the year is over.

86.   Surgeons said they expect him to recover fully.

87.   The Chechen surgeon said he never refused anyone medical care.

88.   The surgeon said Castro has been hospitalized two other times in the past year for other ailments.

89.   The surgeon said it was too early to determine whether McClellan would suffer long-term brain damage or disabilities but that his boxing career was over.

90.   The surgeon said a spinal wound could cause brain damage.

n. + say >>共 480
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surgeon 0.02%
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