81.   He suffered a concussion and received stitches for a gash in his forehead.

82.   He suffered two concussions and eventually lost his job to freshman Cade McNown.

83.   Her recovery was short-circuited during a practice run a few weeks before the Olympics when she fell and suffered a concussion.

84.   Horne said last week that Tyson suffered a concussion in the Holyfield fight.

85.   Hostetler suffered a concussion and was still groggy after the game.

86.   However, he could have gone to Europe, suffered another concussion, and kissed goodbye his last chance to return to the NHL.

87.   However, Memo Gidley will start last after he was selected as a replacement for Robbie Buhl, who suffered a concussion in a crash after his qualifying lap.

88.   His sore neck has improved, but Donahue said he suffered a concussion against BYU.

89.   Hurst fumbled twice and suffered a concussion against Arizona State.

90.   If the college game falls on its face, the National Football League will suffer a concussion.

v. + concussion >>共 47
suffer 51.21%
sustain 17.13%
have 13.49%
get 3.46%
receive 1.90%
cause 1.04%
feel 1.04%
include 1.04%
treat 1.04%
diagnose 0.87%
suffer + n. >>共 514
injury 14.82%
loss 7.15%
damage 4.80%
stroke 4.37%
casualty 3.35%
setback 2.94%
burn 2.66%
most 2.51%
concussion 2.40%
wound 2.38%
每页显示:    共 294