81.   Israeli leaders, however, have indicated repeatedly that they would not heed such a request again.

82.   It was the first such request received from a foreign government.

83.   It would be the first such request of the Roman Catholic Church by a Connecticut prosecutor.

84.   Italian officials said they were ready to consider hosting the deportees once such a request was made, but wanted to hear more details.

85.   It was not immediately known if the mediators had made such a request.

86.   Jury chairman John Doerr said such a request would be honored.

87.   Lahat told army radio that he had not been notified, but would consider such a request.

88.   Later, his ministry denied making such a request.

89.   Letty Zamarripa, a spokeswoman for the U.S. Immigration department in El Paso, Texas, said she had not received any information on such a request.

90.   Libyan leader Moammar Gadhafi has made such demands in the past during speeches, but this is the first such official request.

a. + request >>共 529
repeated 10.56%
formal 7.34%
similar 5.26%
such 4.10%
written 3.48%
official 3.30%
special 2.62%
specific 2.17%
new 1.78%
same 1.61%
such + n. >>共 1151
move 6.00%
system 1.96%
thing 1.65%
meeting 1.61%
plan 1.41%
case 1.15%
attack 1.10%
agreement 1.05%
step 1.04%
change 0.92%
request 0.55%
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