81.   He said Laro won the contract three years ago when it submitted the lowest bid.

82.   Health plans would submit bids to the Medicare Board, and the government would pay a fixed percentage of the average premium charged by all plans participating in Medicare.

83.   Higher domestic money supply means more money is available to buy notes, forcing investors to submit higher bids to ensure they receive notes.

84.   In a Dutch auction, shareholders submit bids specifying at what price, within a range, they would sell their shares.

85.   In addition to the Atlanta project, the company is preparing to submit a bid to the state of Florida for an intercity high-speed rail system.

86.   In fact, only six bids were submitted.

87.   In submitting bids, customers also provide their credit-card information.

88.   In Manhattan, architects are now submitting bids for the redevelopment of the buildings and open spaces at Lincoln Center, the grandparent of all performing arts centers.

89.   Instead, they said, the conspiracy involved vendors agreeing to submit false bids to stifle competition for the food contracts.

90.   It gave the three bidders until mid-March to submit final bids.

v. + bid >>共 463
make 12.53%
submit 7.58%
lose 6.84%
reject 3.85%
accept 3.13%
win 2.90%
raise 2.83%
launch 2.42%
receive 2.26%
consider 1.96%
submit + n. >>共 490
report 8.27%
proposal 7.79%
resignation 6.13%
bid 6.11%
plan 5.26%
application 4.20%
bill 2.55%
list 1.97%
name 1.97%
request 1.86%
每页显示:    共 327