81.   Thick black smoke could be seen billowing from the stricken area.

82.   Thick black smoke could be seen billowing from the stricken area after each of the two raids.

83.   Throughout Sunday, small convoys of trucks, vans and buses carried relief supplies to the stricken area.

84.   Wenas said medicine and doctors have been flown in by helicopters to the stricken areas.

85.   Zedillo ordered army troops into stricken areas along a long stretch of coast.

86.   Zargar, the Iranian relief official, toured the stricken area and complained that some schools and government buildings in Khorasan Province were not properly engineered to withstand earthquakes.

87.   Firefighters requisitioned all available bulldozers to clear the rubble and emergency medical supplies were being flown into stricken areas from Bogota.

88.   Foreign companies are to exploit several oil wells jointly with KomiNeft in the stricken area which is close to the autonomous Nenets area.

89.   Helicopters used the roofs of the twin towers as landing pads to ferry the wounded and terrified from the stricken area.

90.   Aircraft in Bogota were being loaded with emergency medical supplies to be flown into stricken areas, the radio said.

a. + area >>共 807
rural 5.68%
palestinian 2.70%
metropolitan 2.48%
urban 2.31%
remote 2.23%
same 2.05%
residential 2.02%
large 1.95%
safe 1.95%
surrounding 1.41%
stricken 0.25%
stricken + n. >>共 162
area 18.58%
region 5.13%
vessel 4.78%
country 4.07%
village 3.89%
city 3.36%
ship 3.01%
nation 2.12%
town 1.95%
boat 1.59%
每页显示:    共 104