81.   Many street vendors had slashed prices by half this week.

82.   More common are forged Rolex watches or faux Ray Ban sunglasses sold by street vendors.

83.   Most fake goods find their way to consumers through street vendors, flea markets and increasingly the Internet.

84.   More controversial were the tough measures the mayor took to rid the streets of prostitutes and street vendors.

85.   Most were students and street vendors, who refused to disperse and began throwing stones and setting up barricades.

86.   Newspaper street vendors were still sitting on piles of newspapers yet to cut their prices, including the Ming Pao Daily.

87.   Newlin said she has seen more street vendors over the past six months, and she is concerned that they attract more illicit activity to the neighborhood.

88.   Nobody gave them a second glance as they bought sandwiches from a street vendor and sat on one of the benches by Rockefeller Center.

89.   Now she is a street vendor, selling falafel sandwiches to support her almost destitute family.

90.   Now they can buy it from street vendors.

a. + vendor >>共 270
street 38.78%
outside 3.63%
local 2.77%
major 1.81%
roadside 1.72%
vegetable 1.62%
private 1.53%
chicken 1.53%
small 1.34%
illegal 1.24%
street + n. >>共 779
protest 10.69%
corner 9.57%
vendor 4.93%
clothes 3.15%
demonstration 2.96%
child 2.75%
crime 2.68%
battle 2.58%
violence 2.55%
light 2.28%
每页显示:    共 404