81.   Sara stepped into the square dark-panelled hall.

82.   Why, yes, do come in, if you Sara stepped back into her tiny hall and then walked into the drawing-room.

83.   And they go around er and you warn them about the erm the steep steps into the rooms because the oak is quite deep.

84.   As they stepped into the hallway, Jake introduced them.

85.   That was evident the moment they stepped into the dining-room.

86.   But as she stepped into the hall she knew something was wrong.

87.   Ronni struggled from her stupor and stepped back into the hallway, her legs feeling like bales of straw beneath her.

88.   That I would step into the gap maybe.

89.   For one unbelievable moment their eyes met and once again it was as if they had stepped back into their own circle of magic.

90.   As they stepped into the porch, Juliet heard a voice from inside, calling stridently to someone named Margaret.

v. + into >>共 884
crash 4.56%
step 2.82%
slam 2.67%
fit 2.35%
continue 2.07%
evolve 2.00%
allow 1.96%
flee 1.82%
venture 1.71%
buy 1.71%
step + p. >>共 77
into 23.68%
out_of 12.30%
down 8.96%
off 7.66%
to 6.01%
in 5.84%
from 5.43%
onto 5.08%
outside 4.00%
over 2.96%
每页显示:    共 1382