81.   The sports section has been serving up extra helpings of bad news.

82.   The sports section is one of the biggest.

83.   The sports section makes up one-fourth of the newspaper, after all, and many believe it to be the most interesting part.

84.   These are the silly, the inane, the childish things that so often occupied the airwaves on talk radio and filled the column inches in the sports section.

85.   Those same sports sections will no doubt be wringing their hands about the latest point-shaving scandal at Northwestern, which went public just on Thursday.

86.   UNDATED - I first read about Keith Olbermann jumping ship from MSNBC to Fox Sports News last week in the sports section of the newspaper.

87.   Trouble is, for most of the year they do so in the relative obscurity of cable television and the briefs or summaries of newspaper sports sections.

88.   We interrupt this sports section for a report of a close encounter, an Earth landing by unidentified beings, possibly an extraterrestrial invasion.

89.   We splashed the story in banner type across the front of our sports section.

90.   What business does a Web site called www.pigfarmer.com have in a sports section?

n. + section >>共 881
interest 6.39%
sport 4.06%
tail 3.21%
rhythm 2.72%
east 2.56%
business 2.37%
west 2.10%
produce 1.84%
north 1.49%
student 1.49%
sport + n. >>共 650
vehicle 8.42%
fan 4.03%
event 3.38%
team 3.19%
utility 2.64%
world 1.68%
stadium 1.57%
official 1.41%
league 1.35%
star 1.32%
section 0.80%
每页显示:    共 105