81.   But a spokesman said that all the claims the family are making had been aired at the mens trial two years ago and rejected by the jury.

82.   A Green Party spokesman said that spent fuel rods are highly radioactive and potentially lethal.

83.   But a spokesman said that while the authority had every sympathy for Richard it understood why the school had expelled him.

84.   But a spokesman said the murder was painstakingly investigated by professional officers.

85.   But in a statement, a spokesman said the CandG was doing all it could to help the investors.

86.   But a spokesman said that even if the Foundation decided not to open a clinic for sex offenders, work still needed to be done on the building.

87.   But a spokesman said that there was no intention to mislead customers.

88.   As two hundred Palestinian deportees were allowed to return to Israel, a Palestine Liberation Organisation spokesman said the PLO and Israel have agreed to recognise each other.

89.   A Greater Manchester police spokesman said the man was being questioned at an unnamed police station about firearms offences.

90.   The spokesman said airport staff had met with Mr Rodgers and had now asked the councillor to put his complaints in writing.

n. + say >>共 480
official 17.88%
police 6.16%
analyst 4.36%
report 3.78%
source 3.33%
spokesman 3.05%
company 2.65%
expert 2.16%
authority 1.82%
government 1.60%
spokesman + v. >>共 125
say 70.48%
decline 5.68%
confirm 2.65%
deny 2.20%
tell 2.08%
be 1.95%
refuse 1.86%
add 1.62%
have 0.63%
comment 0.45%
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