81.   The BCS computers are to football as MIR is to space travel.

82.   The indignities of space travel have also been compounded by the accident.

83.   The library is especially short on books about Native American culture, arts and crafts, space travel and modern fiction.

84.   The miracle technologies of space travel, computers, atomic energy, the telephone system and the Internet are firmly in the past.

85.   The other causes are the Lindbergh Foundation, which promotes a balance between technology and the environment, and the X Prize Foundation, which fosters private space travel.

86.   The organization they formed to promote space travel by means of rocketry called itself the American Interplanetary Society.

87.   The other aspect of space travel that astronauts recount with awe is seeing Earth from space.

88.   The point of the space elevator is that it makes space travel cost just pennies.

89.   The site also has lower-cost space-related trips you can take right now, and keeps you up on progress toward space travel for everyone.

90.   The theoretical physicist predicted the development of intelligent, self-aware computers that could match the human brain, not to mention space travel well beyond this solar system.

n. + travel >>共 310
air 39.20%
business 8.19%
space 6.42%
rail 2.79%
time 2.65%
train 2.65%
airline 2.30%
jet 1.73%
leisure 1.64%
world 1.55%
space + n. >>共 649
agency 11.72%
official 10.77%
program 10.67%
exploration 3.69%
travel 3.36%
mission 2.65%
center 2.34%
alien 1.81%
technology 1.37%
telescope 1.30%
每页显示:    共 144