81.   NASA spokesman Mark Hess said the space agency has considered using external fuel tanks to build a station in the past but rejected it as impractical.

82.   NASA Administrator Daniel Goldin says the space agency deems that option a disincentive for now to a Russian role in the project.

83.   NASA and the space agencies of Europe, Canada and Japan strenuously objected that Tito had not received sufficient safety training and that his presence would disrupt assembly operations.

84.   NASA should work more closely with the Russian space agency to identify and resolve differences in shielding and repair procedures, the report said.

85.   NASA and the Russian space agency hope the docking module will make it easier for future shuttles visiting the space station to link up with it.

86.   No wonder the space agency, and presumably the White House as well, were willing to let Glenn cap his career with one last victory lap.

87.   No other major technical problems arose this week, and until late Wednesday the space agency seemed determined to proceed.

88.   Nobody is accusing the space agency of deliberately thwarting progress.

89.   Nonetheless, the space agency this fall initiated plans to add a ceramic fiber material called Nextel inside the wing panels.

90.   Not surprisingly, the space agency, its passionate supporters within the scientific communities and the public hunger for more triumph.

n. + agency >>共 316
government 16.05%
aid 9.42%
enforcement 6.94%
intelligence 5.81%
law 5.80%
relief 5.39%
refugee 4.63%
space 3.43%
ad 2.12%
security 2.04%
space + n. >>共 649
agency 11.72%
official 10.77%
program 10.67%
exploration 3.69%
travel 3.36%
mission 2.65%
center 2.34%
alien 1.81%
technology 1.37%
telescope 1.30%
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