81.   That was a smart move in a way.

82.   That was a smart move.

83.   The agreement, they believe, was a smart move.

84.   The Bush administration strategy to avoid direct involvement in Middle East peace negotiations at this time is seen by many experts as a smart short-term move.

85.   The delegates and elected leaders jostled in the hallways of the hotel, trading theories about what it meant and whether it was a smart move.

86.   The Ravens made the smart move in benching Scott Mitchell.

87.   The smart move is to cut these challenges off at the pass before the debate becomes too cosmic.

88.   The smart move for all three is to declare, then evaluate their chances based on individual workouts, all-star game performances and available talent at their position.

89.   This was not a smart move, tactically and historically.

90.   This is a smart move.

a. + move >>共 741
such 12.71%
next 5.16%
first 3.04%
similar 2.58%
latest 2.35%
unusual 1.93%
bold 1.49%
good 1.41%
major 1.34%
right 1.28%
smart 1.04%
smart + n. >>共 682
move 5.23%
people 4.67%
school 2.87%
guy 2.53%
thing 2.49%
partnership 2.40%
one 2.27%
man 1.93%
kid 1.50%
phone 1.41%
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