81.   Genetic engineering is more precise, allowing a single gene to be spliced from one organism into another.

82.   Harvard University AIDS researchers working with monkeys say the virus overcame an experimental vaccine by changing a single gene, killing one of the animals.

83.   In the December issue of Nature Biotechnology, the researchers describe how introducing a single gene caused tobacco and eggplants to bear fruit even in winter.

84.   Knowing even the peculiarities of a single gene can tell doctors a lot about how a patient will react to several drugs.

85.   The researchers created the supermice by deleting a single gene that appeared to limit muscle growth.

86.   This test hunts for repeated gene fragments of various viruses instead of a single gene.

87.   While most people are taught that a single gene encodes a single protein, some genes can give rise to more than one protein.

88.   While some inherited disorders are caused by single genes, other diseases seem to result from groups of genes.

89.   While probably no single gene causes obesity by itself, those who inherit several of them are more likely to have weight problems.

a. + gene >>共 599
human 9.94%
new 4.03%
single 3.81%
defective 3.26%
mutated 2.57%
same 2.44%
specific 2.19%
mutant 2.19%
different 1.80%
responsible 1.59%
single + n. >>共 1203
currency 9.33%
mother 2.83%
day 1.46%
digit 1.43%
parent 1.29%
woman 1.11%
layer 1.01%
market 0.96%
shot 0.90%
run 0.90%
gene 0.40%
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