81.   The government of neighboring Tripura state made similar offers to prepare for peace talks with guerrilla groups.

82.   The Palestinians had been offered a giant Christmas tree from Norway but reluctantly turned down the gift citing problems with Israel over a similar offer last year from Finland.

83.   The morning of the strikes, Bush rejected a similar offer from the Taliban.

84.   The other U.S. automakers followed suit with similar financing offers.

85.   The North has rejected similar offers before.

86.   The warlord has made similar offers before.

87.   There, they hope to attract countries outside the Asia-Pacific region to make similar offers to lower barriers in sectors ranging from chemicals to medical equipment.

88.   U.S.-based Boeing Co. has made a similar offer.

89.   Turkish Cypriots have refused similar offers in the past.

90.   Wahid made a similar offer to share power with Megawati last August, but his promise came to nothing.

a. + offer >>共 776
new 5.85%
tender 4.95%
takeover 2.87%
better 2.74%
latest 2.44%
formal 2.32%
special 2.10%
higher 2.08%
similar 2.08%
final 2.02%
similar + n. >>共 1099
problem 1.58%
measure 1.31%
bill 1.28%
case 1.23%
charge 1.20%
incident 1.07%
program 1.06%
legislation 1.05%
situation 1.04%
agreement 0.85%
offer 0.25%
每页显示:    共 103