81.   One student, for example, was interested in spiky jewelry that would be painful to wear and light switches with sharp edges.

82.   Over all, they form a rare public portrait of the sharp edges of the soft-drink business that emerge when two parties clash.

83.   Protruding bolts, sharp edges or points, wood splinters, swing hangers or chains can cut or puncture children.

84.   Ring your plants with the crushed shells, and snails will avoid both the calcium, which is poisonous to them, and the deadly sharp edges.

85.   Sharp edges have been rounded.

86.   Several sizes of cold chisel with a sharp edge will give you a good choice of tools to use.

87.   Sharp edges wear off as radical beliefs adapt to mainstream society.

88.   She brandished her faith like a shield no sharp edge of reality could penetrate.

89.   Snow that falls within this confluence is focused in a narrow band that often has a sharp northern edge.

90.   So many cool curves of fender, curls of chrome, sharp edges, gentle rises.

a. + edge >>共 833
competitive 7.35%
slight 4.75%
northern 4.33%
rough 3.13%
sharp 3.11%
southern 2.92%
eastern 2.92%
western 2.74%
outer 2.32%
hard 2.11%
sharp + n. >>共 1041
decline 5.97%
drop 5.95%
increase 5.60%
rise 5.26%
criticism 4.16%
contrast 3.88%
fall 3.64%
knife 2.85%
gain 2.67%
turn 1.62%
edge 1.37%
每页显示:    共 132