81.   Here, three survivors share their experiences in their own words.

82.   I hope that sharing my experiences on how to really blow one of the best opportunities of your life will help us keep focused and lead us to victory.

83.   I think the only resolution is to share my experience and try to help people, like you, to stop making foolish decisions.

84.   I share this experience with those I know who love nature and might wish to share it with their children and loved ones.

85.   I was lucky to witness such an event the other night, and for somewhat selfish reasons, I would like to share the experience.

86.   I have heard Wiesel speak at other times but not more comfortably than when he spoke with those who shared his experiences.

87.   I hope some day to return not only to Senegal to visit, but also to the Peace Corps with my wife to share the experience.

88.   I share my experience of the good and bad things in this so-called civilized world, where we are losing our spirit and balance.

89.   I wanted to share experiences.

90.   In later years he advertised in a newspaper for people willing to share their experiences.

v. + experience >>共 552
have 39.73%
share 5.17%
gain 4.32%
lack 2.88%
enjoy 1.91%
get 1.89%
use 1.78%
describe 1.72%
bring 1.14%
provide 1.12%
share + n. >>共 955
information 5.84%
view 3.99%
power 3.18%
experience 1.64%
concern 1.58%
cost 1.54%
responsibility 1.52%
story 1.41%
border 1.10%
blame 1.06%
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