81.   Factor in your severance package, which could include the company paying for your health insurance.

82.   Even without a severance package, Wachner has done well over the years.

83.   For openers, Reilly last week canceled generous severance packages for two executives on whose watch the problem escalated out of control.

84.   For the temp or contract worker, severance packages are rare.

85.   Goncalves said employees were offered severance packages.

86.   Having agreed years earlier to narrow contract language, many boards locked themselves into giving these large severance packages to their chief executives.

87.   Glassner said shareholders would revolt if they thought the severance packages were too high, or high enough to jeopardize the cost-saving benefits of the merger.

88.   He added that the team had offered the matrons other positions or the option of taking a severance package.

89.   He also urged denominations to recommend severance packages equal to six months of salary.

90.   He had been given a severance package, his wife has a good job, and he and his wife also had some savings.

n. + package >>共 834
aid 8.88%
stimulus 7.68%
reform 4.96%
severance 4.96%
rescue 4.87%
tax 3.28%
software 3.22%
bailout 3.02%
compensation 2.75%
benefit 2.16%
severance + n. >>共 48
package 54.41%
payment 14.14%
benefit 7.15%
agreement 4.16%
check 2.33%
program 1.83%
cost 1.50%
money 1.33%
plan 1.33%
deal 1.00%
每页显示:    共 325