81.   All have criminal convictions, mostly for property crimes, though one served time for manslaughter.

82.   All he deserves, from having served his time in prison and improved himself, is the benefit of the doubt.

83.   After they serve their time, she said, those children and fathers can be reunited.

84.   All had been serving time at the New Jersey Training School for Boys in Jamesburg for offenses that included stealing cars, burglary and selling drugs.

85.   All had served time for their crimes, including murder, and all were veterans of the IRA, not the INLA.

86.   All three suspects have criminal records for offenses from burglary to drug possession and served jail time together.

87.   --Allow involuntary civil commitment to a psychiatric hospital for sex offenders who have served their time but are considered by doctors to still be dangerous.

88.   Brooks thinks it would be unfair for Abernathy to serve prison time.

89.   Both players held serve six times to force the tiebreaker.

90.   Burrows has twice served time in prison for burglary convictions but was never before accused of a violent crime.

v. + time >>共 481
spend 18.25%
take 15.59%
have 13.39%
serve 2.96%
give 2.84%
play 2.01%
buy 1.60%
waste 1.52%
come 1.49%
need 1.18%
serve + n. >>共 596
time 8.21%
sentence 7.75%
purpose 4.61%
notice 2.48%
food 2.15%
customer 2.00%
term 1.94%
interest 1.87%
meal 1.73%
country 1.58%
每页显示:    共 820