81.   Moher expressed serious reservations over the British suggestions, saying it was above all the use of mines which should be banned.

82.   Negotiations with the Palestinians and Syria have proved much more troublesome and both parties voiced serious reservations over Jordan striking out alone.

83.   Newspapers reported serious reservations on the accords aired by military top brass in talks with Rabin on Friday.

84.   Serious reservations however remain in Luxembourg, the Netherlands and Sweden.

85.   Skopje and Tirana have expressed serious reservations over the arrival of Croatian Serbs in Kosovo, which has raised fears of new clashes between Albanians and Serbs.

86.   Thai newspapers Wednesday expressed serious reservations about the new cabinet lineup, saying the ministers lacked qualifications and credibility, as stocks slumped.

87.   The Netherlands, Belgium, Denmark and Portugal expressed serious reservations.

a. + reservation >>共 261
indian 16.60%
serious 8.55%
strong 7.17%
navajo 3.34%
deep 3.14%
similar 2.65%
central 1.87%
online 1.77%
expressed 1.67%
computerized 1.67%
serious + n. >>共 891
condition 7.60%
injury 7.04%
problem 6.22%
damage 2.48%
threat 2.11%
crime 2.01%
charge 1.33%
trouble 1.32%
concern 1.24%
health 1.20%
reservation 0.32%
每页显示:    共 87