81.   There was strong condemnation of the Serb actions from a senior British officer with Unprofor, Brigadier Roddy Cordy-Simpson.

82.   As the huge hunt for the bombers continued, Mr Clarke talked to senior officers leading the investigation.

83.   A statement by the defence minister, Inoussa Bouraima, said the deputy chief of staff, Gen Mawulikplimi Amegee, had been killed and another senior officer wounded.

84.   I asked Henry Ratter if he would run a workshop for a group of Wirral secondary headteachers and senior LEA officers.

85.   One senior officer said it would be extremely difficult to smuggle one in, security is so tight here on visits.

86.   Alpirez, Cabrera insisted, was the senior officer present.

87.   Alone among the four armed services, the Air Force hands its best-paid senior officers a cash bonus to make sure they stay in uniform.

88.   Also at its meeting Tuesday, the Police Commission took action on further restoring the senior lead officer program.

89.   Also in Gaza, a senior Israeli officer was killed by a Palestinian who was subsequently shot by an Israeli helicopter gunship.

90.   Already this year, two senior officers investigating the group, known by its acronym, PAGAD, have been gunned down from passing cars, one fatally.

a. + officer >>共 587
military 12.15%
senior 7.98%
former 3.63%
the 3.55%
chief 2.26%
retired 1.74%
naval 1.59%
top 1.59%
israeli 1.57%
russian 1.51%
senior + n. >>共 459
official 25.50%
officer 4.38%
government 3.90%
executive 3.02%
member 2.90%
leader 2.39%
year 2.27%
administration 2.24%
aide 2.19%
adviser 2.04%
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