81.   Eizenstat said the sides agreed to include banks whose assets were seized by the Nazis and former public companies who are now privately owned.

82.   Four funds, including the Gjallica fund based in Vlora, either are bankrupt or have had their assets seized by the government.

83.   Gramm had earlier expressed concern that the bill could trample the civil rights of people whose assets are seized or frozen.

84.   General Electric Capital Corp. seized the assets of the former Spartan Mills after defaults on financial agreements, a GE spokesman said.

85.   He cited hundreds of arrests here and overseas in the investigation, international cooperation and initial success in seizing assets of bin Laden and his al-Qaida organization.

86.   He said the groups must be put out of business, their assets seized, and the leaders arrested.

87.   However, innocent victims, including many Jews who had sent cash and valuables to Britain for safekeeping, also had their assets seized under the act.

88.   However, civil libertarians are concerned that assets will be seized before foreign companies have a chance to defend themselves.

89.   In separate legal procedings, the cult faces a government revocation of its tax-exempt status that will likely soon give the government the right to seize its assets.

90.   In July, Samper proposed legislation to stiffen jail terms for drug lords, make it easier to seize their assets and crack down on money laundering.

v. + asset >>共 456
sell 15.20%
freeze 10.57%
have 5.70%
seize 3.79%
buy 3.36%
transfer 1.88%
liquidate 1.75%
acquire 1.69%
hold 1.59%
protect 1.56%
seize + n. >>共 904
control 8.14%
power 8.14%
opportunity 5.80%
weapon 3.30%
property 2.53%
moment 2.49%
asset 2.04%
document 1.81%
land 1.50%
initiative 1.37%
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