81.   The ruling is the latest in a series of closely divided high court opinions that strengthen states rights under the Constitution.

82.   The ruling opens the door for people to seek monetary damages from state government for violating their rights under the state Constitution.

83.   The State Department acknowledged that his rights under the Vienna Convention had been violated.

84.   The state may resort to paying a fair price and seizing the properties --as its right under eminent domain -- to build the tunnel.

85.   The U.S. says American has that right under an existing aviation agreement between the two countries.

86.   The Washington Supreme Court held that rights under the law were individually enforceable in court.

87.   The unions said they would teach workers how to enforce their rights under the new rules, issued by the Occupational Safety and Health Administration.

88.   The United States, like other military powers, has long asserted its right under international law to patrol the high seas using ships, planes and submarines.

89.   There is no national consensus for an absolute ban or an absolute right under all circumstances.

90.   Their rights under the Americans With Disabilities Act, which outlaws discrimination against the disabled.

n. + under >>共 1783
area 1.86%
year 0.87%
government 0.73%
city 0.72%
place 0.66%
right 0.63%
life 0.63%
country 0.60%
company 0.60%
election 0.59%
right + p. >>共 108
in 15.67%
for 15.09%
from 5.15%
after 5.05%
as 4.99%
at 4.15%
against 4.08%
by 3.13%
down 3.03%
with 3.02%
under 3.00%
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