81.   Maan residents see the ban as undemocratic.

82.   Many Bucharest residents see this as a waste of money in a city plagued by housing problems, pollution and poor infrastructure.

83.   Military officials said that troops began heading into the region Sunday afternoon and church officials confirmed that residents had seen helicopters and military planes fly over late Sunday.

84.   Most residents see the wild horses as symbols of freedom and endurance, and have fiercely protected them from outsiders.

85.   Other residents see the GE campaign as little more than a propaganda campaign by a corporation trying to dodge its responsibility.

86.   Residents could see heavy smoke rising in the area north of the airport despite the darkness.

87.   Residents saw the bag in the river.

88.   Residents could see airbursts toward the north of the city near the front line between Taliban and opposition forces.

89.   Residents saw anti-terror squads investigating the site of the pre-dawn explosion, which destroyed an Albanian-owned restaurant.

90.   Residents saw helicopters flying over the area Thursday.

n. + see >>共 1179
people 4.87%
company 2.66%
analyst 2.53%
investor 2.20%
official 1.80%
reporter 1.70%
fan 1.40%
witness 1.35%
viewer 1.13%
year 1.11%
resident 0.57%
resident + v. >>共 692
say 18.21%
be 8.88%
have 3.04%
complain 1.94%
flee 1.76%
take 1.41%
report 1.36%
tell 1.05%
begin 1.04%
fear 0.86%
see 0.81%
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