81.   Some researchers had long hoped that screening tests could prevent the disease.

82.   Some researchers hope that a way can be found to give Brazil credit under global warming agreements for the contribution its forests make in storing carbon dioxide.

83.   Some researchers are hoping to halt the formation of rough deposits that narrow arteries and precipitate heart attacks and strokes.

84.   The American researchers hope measurements of ground motion in Turkey will help them pinpoint where the next California quakes are most likely to occur.

85.   The Framingham researchers hope their scorecard, or something similar, will gain widespread use among US doctors and patients.

86.   The NASA and Berkeley researchers hope the data will catch the attention of architects and builders.

87.   The radiation from the base overwhelmed the equipment that the researchers had hoped would detect single photons coming from the dots.

88.   The researcher hopes to install a sensor on the outside of a future space station.

89.   The researchers hope that through this passive dispersal process, as well as direct introduction, aripo will spread through Central and East Africa.

90.   The researchers hope the new findings, coupled with the ongoing sequencing of the malaria genome, will lead to more selective drug design to combat the disease.

n. + hope >>共 613
official 10.90%
company 8.02%
government 5.83%
leader 2.59%
administration 1.91%
organizer 1.91%
group 1.82%
investor 1.77%
scientist 1.66%
researcher 1.63%
researcher + v. >>共 450
say 19.69%
find 8.84%
be 4.75%
believe 2.70%
use 2.12%
have 2.00%
report 1.80%
hope 1.76%
look 1.60%
suggest 1.40%
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