81.   Moscow says the Muslim republic is and will remain part of Russia.

82.   No other former Soviet republic has been so ambivalent about its independence, or so reluctant to set out on the course of market reforms.

83.   On Friday, Singapore Foreign Minister S. Jayakumar said the republic was prepared to consider an economic union with Malaysia.

84.   Russian officials had promised the pullout last year, saying large-scale fighting had died down and the republic was largely under control.

85.   Russia continues to consider Chechnya a part of the Russian Federation, while Chechen leaders claim the Caucasus mountain republic is independent.

86.   Russian officials had promised the pullout last year, saying the republic is largely under control.

87.   Since its infancy, the republic has been rife with stories about people who are missing, killed, imprisoned or even kidnapped.

88.   Serbian officials, speaking privately, say their republic is ready to provide evidence on demand from the tribunal.

89.   Since the West refuses credits to Armenia to upgrade the plant, Shahinian said the former Soviet republic will be totally reliant on Russia for financing and running Medzamor.

90.   Such clashes are heightening fears in Macedonia and in other European nations that this former Yugoslav republic could be the next scene of Balkans conflict.

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