81.   Repeat with remaining masa.

82.   Repeat with remaining oil, butter and tortillas.

83.   Repeat with remaining onions, beans and potatoes, again seasoning lightly.

84.   Repeat with remaining plantains.

85.   Repeat with remaining pork slices.

86.   Repeat with remaining rounds of dough, allowing rolled cornets to lean against each other to prevent them from rolling.

87.   Repeat with remaining sauce mixture, another cup of pork broth and remaining chilies.

88.   Repeat with remaining sheets of phyllo, stacking them.

89.   Repeat with remaining shrimp using more oil for each batch.

90.   Repeat with remaining slices, adding more butter and oil if needed.

v. + with >>共 1051
work 7.83%
come 4.23%
begin 2.27%
cover 1.84%
stay 1.56%
struggle 1.44%
sign 1.35%
combine 1.34%
follow 1.19%
move 0.94%
repeat 0.15%
repeat + p. >>共 48
in 23.96%
with 19.67%
as 11.47%
on 8.69%
for 5.97%
at 5.79%
to 4.65%
throughout 3.62%
across 1.99%
after 1.93%
每页显示:    共 324