81.   Repeat process with remaining breast.

82.   Repeat process with remaining fruit mixture or freeze it for later use.

83.   Repeat process with remaining oil and chicken.

84.   Repeat process.

85.   Repeat the process to make a total of six tortas.

86.   Repeat the process, adding butter as needed.

87.   Repeat this process for each fish.

88.   Repeat this process, including the bleach treatment, as often as necessary.

89.   Return frozen portion to microwave and repeat process two times.

90.   Repeat entire process with other piece of dough.

v. + process >>共 817
begin 6.72%
start 3.63%
repeat 3.61%
complete 3.24%
speed 2.26%
accelerate 2.21%
delay 2.04%
use 2.01%
slow 1.66%
streamline 1.36%
repeat + n. >>共 703
call 5.84%
process 4.05%
mistake 2.29%
demand 2.17%
warning 2.06%
question 2.02%
claim 1.92%
pattern 1.55%
story 1.45%
procedure 1.40%
每页显示:    共 195