81.   The Red Sox have made their pitches to free agents Roger Clemens and Tim Naehring, but it remains to be seen whether they have come up with enough.

82.   The timing and size of a future third redeployment remain to be resolved.

83.   The world does not yet know what horrors remain to be uncovered.

84.   They are headed underground, where untold damage from the trade center collapse remains to be uncovered.

85.   They forced Clinton to embrace a seven-year plan to balance the federal budget, though the details remain to be decided.

86.   Those remaining behind were left with the daunting task of caring for the injured and homeless, and cremating and burying the dead.

87.   Thursday, Robertson said the range of issues on which Russia would have equal status with NATO members remained to be decided.

88.   Through October, two more Islanders-Devils conflicts remain to be resolved.

89.   What role the marshals will play, how long they will stay in the field and how many clinics they will help protect remain to be determined.

v. + be >>共 1325
say 9.58%
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be 3.78%
use 3.36%
remain 2.65%
present 2.56%
think 1.76%
estimate 1.43%
allege 1.39%
do 1.19%
remain + v. >>共 238
be 26.02%
see 7.75%
follow 4.34%
pend 4.20%
say 3.55%
compare 2.63%
give 1.45%
do 1.31%
protect 1.18%
guard 1.05%
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