81.   Officials at the hospital, speaking on customary condition of anonymity, said Gemicioglu had been admitted late Thursday but had been discharged after refusing treatment.

82.   She said none of the injuries was believed to be life-threatening and several people refused treatment after arrival.

83.   Six people refused medical treatment, authorities said.

84.   Sixteen other inmates are also on the hunger strike, but they refused medical treatment, private NTV television channel said.

85.   Some women and their families refuse treatment by male doctors.

86.   That precedent will have wide implications, such as allowing mental patients to refuse drug treatment, Cooney told RTE.

87.   The Corneaus are members of an Attleboro sect that refuses medical treatment and ignores the legal system.

88.   The Chinese government denies killing anyone, but says some followers of the group have died in hunger strikes or from refusing medical treatment.

89.   The father, who is not HIV-positive, consistently refused treatment for his daughter and dodged attempts by Australian authorities to gain custody of the child.

90.   The faster refused treatment and continued her hunger strike, hospital officials said.

v. + treatment >>共 511
receive 18.17%
undergo 11.51%
seek 7.29%
get 6.57%
need 3.99%
require 3.55%
give 3.08%
have 1.89%
begin 1.74%
provide 1.59%
refuse 1.50%
refuse + n. >>共 591
comment 17.10%
request 9.74%
offer 5.86%
entry 4.88%
permission 3.75%
demand 3.08%
order 2.50%
treatment 2.37%
access 2.15%
food 1.71%
每页显示:    共 108