81.   Aid agencies say mine casualties are increasing as more and more refugees return to their former homes on what were battlefields.

82.   Arnold said that the offices were opened at the suggestion of a UN-sponsored working group set up last month to deal with the issue of two-way refugee returns.

83.   Diplomats in Sarajevo said Thursday the whole process of refugee returns was in limbo.

84.   The US president also reaffirmed US commitment to arming the Federation, help refugees return home and efforts to arrest war crimes suspects, spokesman David Johnson said.

85.   Parameswaran said he worked closely for a year with East Timorese independence leader Xanana Gusmao on various ways to promote refugee returns and reconciliation.

86.   On Tuesday, the first of six Croatian government offices for refugee returns was opened in Vukovar, the main town of the region.

87.   On Wednesday, UNHCR is due to sign an agreement with Iran and Afghanistan on organised refugee returns from Iran.

88.   Parameswaran also alleged that his efforts to promote refugee returns and reconciliation were hampered by McNamara and others.

89.   Parameswaran also alleged that his efforts to promote refugee returns and reconciliation were hampered by deputy administrator Dennis McNamara and others.

90.   Secretary General Boutros Boutros-Ghali issued a plea to the rebel-led Rwandan government Friday to show magnanimity and help millions of refugees return home.

n. + return >>共 481
punt 8.71%
kickoff 7.34%
election 6.03%
service 5.47%
investment 5.01%
refugee 4.71%
interception 2.58%
shareholder 1.92%
year 1.67%
kick 1.32%
refugee + n. >>共 413
camp 46.68%
agency 8.53%
status 6.92%
crisis 3.58%
center 2.10%
official 1.78%
problem 1.67%
return 1.17%
child 1.08%
group 0.94%
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