81.   Olson added that, contrary to plaintiff claims, refineries did not cut back on production in the years after reformulated gasoline was required to be sold.

82.   Profits from refining, marketing and transporting oil and gas decreased because of the mild winter and market volatility associated with reformulated gasoline.

83.   Shortages or more expensive reformulated gasoline would mostly affect major urban areas where the cleaner burning fuel is required in summer to reduce smog.

84.   Still underpinning prices are fears of regional supply crunches of key reformulated gasoline supplies just ahead of the traditional Memorial Day kickoff to the summer driving season.

85.   That newly recognized environmental benefit of using the alternative fuel could make special blending unnecessary, meaning reformulated gasoline containing ethanol would be less costly to produce.

86.   The most recent inventory data showed dwindling supplies of the reformulated gasoline, or RFG, especially on the East Coast.

87.   The most recent inventory data showed dwindling supplies of the reformulated gasoline, especially on the East Coast.

88.   The oil industry blames much of the price spikes this summer on a requirement for a cleaner-burning blend of reformulated gasoline in areas with severe summer smog.

89.   The study said, however, the so-called reformulated gasoline with the additive has characteristics other than higher oxygen levels that lower pollution from automobiles and light trucks.

90.   Those two regions fared worst in part because of the reformulated gasoline they rely on to limit pollution, Lundberg said.

a. + gasoline >>共 324
reformulated 7.78%
higher 6.67%
unleaded 4.36%
high 3.93%
leaded 3.76%
domestic 2.65%
rising 2.40%
cleaner 2.40%
federal 2.40%
cheap 1.80%
reformulated + n. >>共 24
gasoline 58.71%
gas 16.77%
fuel 7.10%
version 3.87%
blend 1.29%
cigarette 0.65%
company 0.65%
cookie 0.65%
drug 0.65%
extradition 0.65%
每页显示:    共 90