81.   Last week, he signed welfare reform legislation condemned by liberals.

82.   Lord knows, Democrats are hardly innocent in the process, but at least Gore promises to sign the McCain-Feingold campaign-funding reform legislation.

83.   McCain championed the reform legislation with Sen. Russ Feingold, D-Wis.

84.   More broadly, McCain and Bradley differ in their approach to campaign finance reform legislation.

85.   Maybe the American Association of Retired Persons made a mistake last week in endorsing Clinton-style health care reform legislation.

86.   Most notably, it failed to enact campaign finance reform legislation.

87.   On Saturday, Bush will use his weekly radio address to denounce fraudulent accounting and urge Congress to pass his corporate reform legislation.

88.   On Wednesday, this year-old group weighed in on some of the nitty-gritty details of current health-care reform legislation.

89.   Opponents of pending campaign finance reform legislation conceded Tuesday that the Senate will pass the measure later this week after seven years of intense congressional skirmishing.

90.   Pegged to the expected defeat in the House this week of reform legislation.

n. + legislation >>共 568
reform 5.58%
campaign 5.52%
finance 4.95%
tobacco 4.27%
draft 4.10%
tax 3.10%
welfare 3.02%
year 2.50%
crime 2.25%
trade 1.99%
reform + n. >>共 372
bill 11.92%
plan 9.18%
package 7.86%
program 7.67%
effort 5.86%
proposal 4.78%
legislation 4.71%
measure 4.54%
movement 4.28%
process 3.17%
每页显示:    共 195