81.   Capital requirements that are higher than necessary will almost certainly reduce the number of participants.

82.   What are we really talking about when saying we would have to reduce the numbers of staff?

83.   For the last thing I wish to see alongside skimping on the police is local authorities reducing the number of teachers where they are needed to teach pupils.

84.   The Government should instead be looking to reduce the number of prisoners entering the system.

85.   Theres been increasing pressure on education authorities to reduce the number of empty places at schools, which means some village schools have had to combine or close altogether.

86.   The neccriminal justice act in November introduces a new sentencing frame work which should reduce the numbers, but others would like to see the next Goverment go further.

87.   That research has reduced the number of deaths by a half.

88.   If we used tractors on here continually pulling out timber, it would cause a lot of damage to the ground structure and would reduce the number of flowers.

89.   Meanwhile police have launched a new campaign to reduce the number of distraction burglaries, which increased by fifteen percent last year.

90.   An international showjumper has launched a campaign to try to reduce the number of horse thefts.

v. + number >>共 887
reduce 8.36%
increase 6.21%
have 4.95%
limit 2.75%
include 1.71%
give 1.54%
cut 1.32%
make 1.29%
double 1.25%
use 1.20%
reduce + n. >>共 743
number 6.05%
cost 5.89%
risk 4.45%
amount 2.18%
heat 1.64%
demand 1.64%
debt 1.62%
size 1.50%
emission 1.48%
rate 1.32%
每页显示:    共 1616