81.   In the Philippines, the government has had to contend with rebel Islamic forces and street riots.

82.   In the town of Mambasa, however, residents reported that there had been two armed clashes earlier this year between Mai-Mai guerrillas and the rebel forces.

83.   Increasingly uncertain that the government can keep approaching rebel forces at bay, thousands of foreigners and Congolese alike fled the capital Friday by whatever means they could.

84.   In their retreat from rebel forces in other cities, government soldiers have often pillaged stores and homes.

85.   It was a hopeful sound for this rebel force eager to get U.S. air support for a drive to recapture Kabul.

86.   Jakup Krasniqi, a spokesman for the rebel force, made the announcement after an assembly of key military commanders in the village of Likovac in western Kosovo.

87.   Its fall would would be a major military setback for the Bosnian Muslims and would free rebel Serbian forces to fight elsewhere.

88.   Kabila has yet to meet Paul Kagame, the president of Rwanda, the other country backing rebel forces in Congo.

89.   Kamyamuhanda, a farmer, who has been on the run from advancing rebel forces for more than a week, became separated from his son Saturday evening.

90.   Last week President Andres Pastrana, responding to a brazen kidnapping by rebel forces, canceled a three-year-old peace process.

n. + force >>共 195
security 40.41%
government 15.32%
peace 4.96%
rebel 4.75%
opposition 3.60%
ground 2.82%
market 2.30%
reaction 2.17%
labor 1.48%
coalition 1.31%
rebel + n. >>共 482
leader 16.02%
group 11.08%
force 5.07%
attack 4.07%
fighter 3.69%
commander 3.23%
stronghold 3.21%
movement 2.55%
position 2.14%
soldier 1.82%
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