81.   Doe was toppled and later executed by another rebel faction, and the war evolved along ethnic lines with seven rival factions battling it out.

82.   Doe was toppled and later executed by another rebel faction, and the war evolved along ethnic lines.

83.   Doe was toppled and executed by another rebel faction and the war went on to involve seven rival factions.

84.   Each of the premiers wooed various rebel factions to build up their respective military strengths.

85.   Doe was toppled and executed by a second rebel faction after being tortured on film for a video still sold in Monrovia today.

86.   Doe was toppled and executed by another rebel faction, and the war became a seven-faction fight waged mainly along ethnic lines.

87.   Efforts to reach the northeastern region of Cape Mount Country were thwarted by fighting between rebel factions.

88.   Ending the internecine fighting between the rebel factions in Kurdistan is not something Baghdad wants, since it weakens the factions.

89.   Fierce fighting between rebel factions in southeastern Liberia on Thursday forced thousands to flee for safety across the border.

90.   Fierce fighting between two rebel factions in southeastern Liberia has forced thousands to flee to the Ivorian border, aid workers said Thursday.

n. + faction >>共 118
rebel 40.52%
opposition 10.97%
guerrilla 9.81%
splinter 3.35%
mujahedeen 2.71%
anti-taliban 1.81%
reformist 1.42%
militia 1.42%
alliance 1.29%
army 1.16%
rebel + n. >>共 482
leader 16.02%
group 11.08%
force 5.07%
attack 4.07%
fighter 3.69%
commander 3.23%
stronghold 3.21%
movement 2.55%
position 2.14%
soldier 1.82%
faction 1.63%
每页显示:    共 312