81.   Rebels claim capture of strategic town.

82.   Rebels claim the government troops are making little progress against them, and said they had killed three soldiers and disabled a patrol boat.

83.   Rebels claimed Thursday to have captured another town in northeastern Zaire in their march to unseat ailing President Mobutu Sese Seko.

84.   Rebels claimed to have captured the strategic eastern town of Kindu on Monday.

85.   Rebels have claimed responsibility for several attacks on tourist sites.

86.   Rebels claim continued control of port city.

87.   Rebels claim success after clash with government.

88.   Rebels claim the government is at fault for neglecting the poor.

89.   Rebels claim to capture strategic town.

90.   Rebels claimed the activity was part of a police operation.

n. + claim >>共 721
group 11.62%
official 4.05%
government 3.92%
side 2.70%
rebel 2.03%
critic 1.83%
company 1.83%
police 1.64%
authority 1.48%
leader 1.47%
rebel + v. >>共 661
say 5.63%
be 5.41%
attack 3.57%
fight 2.64%
kill 2.17%
take 2.14%
have 1.87%
hold 1.70%
want 1.61%
seize 1.61%
claim 1.57%
每页显示:    共 252