81.   However, I do not believe that the House managers met the legal requirements of proving perjury beyond a reasonable doubt.

82.   I also thought the Dream Team did an excellent job raising reasonable doubt.

83.   I have a reasonable doubt.

84.   I cannot conclude beyond all reasonable doubt that this President is guilty of the criminal charges enumerated in either article of impeachment. . . .

85.   I do not believe the House managers established beyond a reasonable doubt that this President is guilty of perjury and obstruction of justice.

86.   If Simpson is innocent, then discrediting this detective and raising reasonable doubts with the jury may help him prevail.

87.   If DNA can show by a reasonable doubt that McGinn is not guilty of capital murder, then by all means take him off death row.

88.   If one out of three judges finds a defendant not guilty, that ought to indicate that the hurdle of reasonable doubt has not been cleared.

89.   If the jurors in this case are searching for reasonable doubt, there is plenty to be found.

90.   In a criminal case, the prosecution must prove guilt beyond a reasonable doubt, but in civil trials the burden of proof is merely a preponderance of evidence.

a. + doubt >>共 236
reasonable 17.92%
serious 11.28%
lingering 6.70%
nagging 3.45%
new 3.32%
grave 2.99%
growing 2.79%
strong 2.52%
considerable 2.26%
further 2.19%
reasonable + n. >>共 642
price 8.24%
doubt 7.92%
people 2.52%
person 2.35%
chance 2.08%
cost 2.02%
amount 1.67%
rate 1.58%
level 1.58%
expectation 1.58%
每页显示:    共 268