81.   Respondents said they read magazines for information on current fashions, recipes and health issues and to reward themselves.

82.   Read magazines, newspaper columns such as this one, and talk to computer-literate friends.

83.   Sam checked into a hospital room and spent the next two days watching TV and reading magazines.

84.   She read fashion magazines, and watched TV incessantly, all the prime-time shows.

85.   She read our magazine.

86.   She reads magazines and buys accordingly.

87.   She reads golf magazines, watches The Golf Channel, and dates a club pro.

88.   So she started reading magazines to learn how to strengthen her kicks and punches, and the next thing she knew, Helm was looking over her shoulder.

89.   Some guys meditate, some guys read a magazine, some guys watch TV.

90.   Some pass the time reading magazines.

v. + magazine >>共 377
read 8.51%
publish 7.45%
say 4.06%
buy 3.39%
sell 3.13%
tell 2.53%
start 2.13%
sue 1.73%
run 1.60%
launch 1.60%
read + n. >>共 936
book 11.39%
newspaper 4.47%
verdict 3.42%
statement 3.33%
letter 3.21%
story 2.70%
article 1.95%
report 1.74%
paper 1.74%
script 1.61%
magazine 1.50%
每页显示:    共 127